Music in a Time of Change

Music, Magic, and The Great American Eclipse


Sun and Moon

let your light sparkle!

Hello, beautiful musicians and magicians!  I am so excited for you to join me in beginning this journey into brightening our world with music and magic!

Today, as I write the first post for The School of Music and Magic, the world is abuzz with anticipation for the coming celestial event: The Great American Eclipse, August 21, 2017.  This rare total eclipse will cast its shadow across the entire United States. 

Astrologers say that eclipses bring change.  Though the eclipse is over in a matter of minutes, astrologers say that their effects are felt from a few weeks before the event, and can continue to be felt for months afterwards. The life decisions made during this time can powerfully influence one's future.

The Great America Eclipse can be a gift - like the "diamond ring" image of the eclipse in the photo. I encourage you to reflect in the coming weeks, on what you love and what you want to change, and begin to map out the way to make your light shine even brighter!  The next few posts will show some ideas of how to make the most of this magical time!

As for me, The Great American Eclipse opens the door to The School of Music and Magic, and I am thrilled to be bringing it to you now!

Julietta HayComment