Music in a Time of Change

A Covid-19 Reset - Music And Magic stronger together

Covid-19 has brought profound effects to us all, and we do not know what the long-term effects will be. But one of the things that the lock-down has brought to many of us is the opportunity to take a step back and consider a reset.

I am doing a reset for The School of Music and Magic.

For a long time I have wanted to integrate Magic - by which I mean the heartfelt, artistic, knowledgeable engagement of the Imagination to influence the world - to what I teach. I have many years of study and practice but never thought of teaching magic in my school. But I have decided now to add the study and practice of Magic to the study and practice of Music. These new classes will be in magical arts, music and rituals based on those practiced by our ancestors, and updated for today. These classes are for adults unless otherwise indicated.

Artists, musicians, poets - and scientists and mathematicians too - need to feed their imaginations in order to think clearly and create effectively. It was an error, centuries ago, to separate ourselves emotionally, spiritually, and physically from our planet. We need to awaken to this right away.

The foundation of the School will of course still be classes in guitar and piano and songwriting, but these arts have never existed in a vacuum. A creative, powerful, and effective Imagination requires connection with Nature. Indeed it is rooted, like we are, not in theory, not in social media, not in AI or virtual reality, but in Nature. Magic is a kind of science that includes intuition and regards the power of the imagination, and its natural facility in engaging with our planet with respect. We need to strengthen our Imaginations to heal the world right now, and the study of ancestral magic, myth and poetry strengthens our imaginations and can bring healing to the world and each other.

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